Thursday, March 23, 2023

Kate Bedingfield Vowed Reporter Would Block Burisma Story Unless ‘Editors Hold a Gun to Her Head’

"Then Vice-President Joe Biden’s Communications Director
Kate Bedingfield reassured Hunter Biden’s top lieutenant in 2015 that a damaging story from Bloomberg reporter Margaret Talev about the family’s business dealings in Ukraine would be quashed unless “editors hold a gun to her head,” emails obtained from the National Archives show.
Before assuring Schwerin the story would not run, Bedingfield relayed a familiar script used by Biden over the years to wave away scrutiny of his potential role in the family enterprise. The conversation followed a New York Times article about the family’s business in Ukraine." Breitbart

Friday, March 17, 2023

Beau’s Widow Hallie Is ‘New’ Biden Business Member Who Received China Cash

"Beau Biden’s widow and Hunter’s ex-lover Hallie Biden is the “new” family business member who received a $25,000 cash payment on March 27, 2017, from family associate Robinson Walker’s LLC regarding a Chinese venture, the House Oversight Committee revealed Thursday.
Hallie is the president’s son’s widow and ex-lover of Hunter. She is also widely reported to be a school counselor. 
It is unknown why Hallie would receive $25,000 from Walker’s LLC obtained from the family’s Chinese venture with State Energy HK Limited.  
It is also unknown what services, if any, she rendered for the money." Breitbart

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Rumors Swirl Over Which Biden Family Member Got Cut Of $3M CCP-Linked Wire

"Washington DC is abuzz with speculation over which Biden family member got a cut of a $3 million wire transfer to Hunter Biden associate John "Rob" Walker, just weeks after Joe Biden was no longer Vice President in 2017.
According to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer
(R-KY) - who last week said that evidence of CCP money flowing to the Biden family was "as bad as we thought," - revealed that bank records obtained via a subpoena have implicated a "new Biden family member" in the ongoing investigation into the first family's finances.
Comer told Fox News that Walker received a $3 million wire from two individuals tied to the Chinese Communist Party, which he then divvied up between Biden family members.
"The very next day after that wire was received, the Walker account started transferring money into three different Biden family members’ accounts, including a new Biden family member that’s never before been identified as someone being involved in the influence-peddling scheme," Comer told host Sean Hannity. 
James Biden, according to Schweizer, joined the firm as an executive vice president just three weeks after HillStone International president Kevin Justice visited the White House in November 2010 and met with an adviser to then-Vice President Joe Biden. " ZH.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

A Dozen Whistleblowers Have Come Forward Accusing Hunter Biden of Criminal Activity

"During a Wednesday hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland,
Senator Charles Grassley stated that over a dozen “whistleblowers” had given the FBI information that could be considered criminal regarding Hunter Biden.
Hunter Biden’s criminal defense lawyer has left the case due to dissent and unease within the defense team. The reasons behind his departure are unclear, but this development may have implications for Biden’s ongoing legal troubles, which include an investigation into his tax affairs." TP

Hunter Plotted to Betray Key Family Business Partner Expected to Cooperate in GOP House Probe

"Hunter Biden plotted in 2019 to betray the family’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin amid their crumbling relationship, built upon an off-the-books business arrangement, text messages obtained by Breitbart News from Hunter’s laptop reveal.
Hunter’s damaged relationship with Schwerin is notable because
Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide revealing documents about the Biden family business to Republican House investigators, according to the House Oversight Committee. 
He shared bank accounts with Hunter and President Joe Biden and was president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter and several​ associates that created business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and RomaniaSchwerin also maintained guest lists for White House functions and negotiated the divorce settlement with Hunter’s first wife, Kathleen.
Hunter’s text messages in 2018 begin to show a deep distrust of Schwerin and his involvement in the family’s affairs, in which Hunter apparently owed Schwerin money. Their relationship seemingly became so poor that Hunter announced Schwerin was his “worst enemy…And everyone knows it.” By 2019, their relationship had deteriorated to the point that Hunter hatched a plot to cut Schwerin out of an ongoing off-the-books business arrangement. On February 3, 2019, Hunter conspired with fellow Biden family business partners Jeff Cooper and Devon Archer to cut Schwerin out of a then-current Biden family business arrangement and to replace him with Cooper and Archer." Breitbart