Thursday, April 7, 2022

Joe Biden's BROTHER James is dragged into Chinese payments scandal as it's revealed more than 150 transactions made by him and Hunter were flagged as 'concerning' by US banks

"Joe Biden's brother James has been linked to first son Hunter's shady dealings after it emerged both men were paid huge retainers by a Chinese firm.
James Biden, 72, received $65,000 a month from the Chinese-linked consulting group throughout 2018, totaling $780,000. The cash was given to his Lion Hall Group.
Meanwhile, the same firm - which has links to China's ruling communist party - paid Hunter a cool $100,000 a month for the same year, as well as a $500,000 retainer - meaning he earned a cool $1.7 million from the firm in 2018.
The documents were obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, who spent three years digging into James and Hunter's business dealings, which he called 'very concerning.'
He said his team obtained the records directly from the bank where the consulting firm did business. To the extent those occurred while Joe Biden was the vice president, there's a worry that they hope to get something direct from the Obama administration." DailyMail

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Hunter's Laptop: 120,000 'Deleted' Emails Recovered as Keeper Flees to Switzerland

".....who gave lawmakers and news outlets Hunter Biden’s laptop says he has recovered more
than 120,000 deleted emails, 80,000 images and a huge cache of new data from Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Jack Maxey, who previously worked as a researcher for the “War Room”, told the Daily Mail he recently fled from the U.S. to Switzerland, fearing retaliation from the White House. Maxey also said the FBI failed to enter the laptop it got from computer repairman Mac Isaac into evidence for months." Newsmax

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Maher: ‘Left-Wing Media Just Buried’ Hunter Biden Laptop Story ‘Because It Wasn’t Part of Their Narrative’

"Bill Maher chastised the mainstream media over its two-year dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop story, noting it’s a prime example of why people “don’t trust the media.
Maher said that the New York Postgot ahold of what was in the computer” and published it
before the 2020 election because it’s a “Republican paper”, but that it shouldn’t have taken two years for the New York Times and others to confirm its authenticity.
And The New York Times and The Washington Post are the Democrat papers. That’s where we are again, kind of. And the Republican paper — Twitter wouldn’t — canceled their account,” Maher said on his Friday show “Real Time.” NewsWars