Sunday, April 3, 2022

Maher: ‘Left-Wing Media Just Buried’ Hunter Biden Laptop Story ‘Because It Wasn’t Part of Their Narrative’

"Bill Maher chastised the mainstream media over its two-year dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop story, noting it’s a prime example of why people “don’t trust the media.
Maher said that the New York Postgot ahold of what was in the computer” and published it
before the 2020 election because it’s a “Republican paper”, but that it shouldn’t have taken two years for the New York Times and others to confirm its authenticity.
And The New York Times and The Washington Post are the Democrat papers. That’s where we are again, kind of. And the Republican paper — Twitter wouldn’t — canceled their account,” Maher said on his Friday show “Real Time.” NewsWars

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