Thursday, March 31, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson Brings Explosive New Hunter Biden ‘Receipts’ That Appear to Show President is ‘Compromised’

"Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) brought more documents to the Senate floor on Wednesday
showing the depths of corruption that Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden engaged in with the Communist Chinese.
 “This isn’t Russian disinformation,” Johnson said. “These are hard facts backed up by bank records of actual financial records and transactions that prove just how connected the Bidens were and how compromised present Biden probably is.”
I use this next series of transactions to prove my point,” he continued. “The first chart here shows a bank record showing a $1 million wire transfer into the count of Hudson West III from CFEC limited on November, 2017.
Senator Grassley and I have already established C FFC is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese regime,” he added. “It’s also important to note that the time of this transfer in November, 2017, Hunter Biden was already invested in and providing management for Hudson West III. So a company that was effectively an arm of the Chinese government for 1 million in November, 2017, to a company that Hunter Biden is managing and is invested in.....estimated the transactions going to the Biden family at around $40 million." TrendingPolitics

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