Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Shocker! The FBI 'Doesn't Know' Where Hunter's Laptop Is

 “So where is it? The Laptop?” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) clown-slapped the assistant
director of the FBI’s Cyber Division, Bryan A. Vorndran, on Tuesday when Vorndran admitted he didn’t have “any information” on the whereabouts of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”
Vorndran told Congress he didn’t know where the laptop is, nor does he even know who SHOULD know the whereabouts of the laptop. Weird, considering he IS the assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division.
Vorndran all but pleaded the Fifth in the face of Gaetz’s unrelenting attack. He was unable to find even one answer to very simple questions. If Vorndran didn’t know, who should?
“Sir, again, we can do this back and forth for the next couple of minutes,” Vorndran stammered. “I don’t have any information on the Hunter laptop.” PJM

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