Friday, September 2, 2022

Republicans Target Facebook’s Contact with FBI over Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’

"Republicans have asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to hand
over communications between his company and the FBI related to the platform’s suppression of the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” story leading into the 2020 election.
Zuckerberg stated during his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast that the social media platform limited the New York Post’s story across Facebook user news feeds before the 2020 presidential election. Zuckerberg claimed that the limiting o the spread of the story came in response to warnings from the FBI about disinformation and polarizing content.
35 Republican lawmakers said in a letter to Zuckerberg: “We have seen in recent months how some in government have sought to use Big Tech to censor divergent viewpoints and silence opposing political speech.” Breitbart

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