Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Guess Who's Behind the 51 Intel Officials Letter Dismissing Hunter Biden's Laptop?

".......new information from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and congressional investigators, with the help of two Obama-era CIA officials, has revealed a new twist in the story. The investigation has uncovered evidence linking the letter dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation during the 2020 election to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.....raises grave concerns about the suppression and censorship of crucial information by big tech and the mainstream media leading up to the 2020 election. 
This could be one of the most significant instances of legitimate
election interference in our nation’s history, with far-reaching implications that leave a dark cloud over the integrity of our democracy. 
According to Jordan, his team of investigators has obtained valuable insights from transcribed interviews with two former CIA officials from the Obama era: Mike Morrell, who served as acting Director; and Nick Shapiro, a former adviser to ex-Director John Brennan. Jordan believes that Morrell played a crucial role in coordinating the effort to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, while Shapiro was involved in coordinating how the story was presented to the legacy media." PJ

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