Thursday, March 31, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson Brings Explosive New Hunter Biden ‘Receipts’ That Appear to Show President is ‘Compromised’

"Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) brought more documents to the Senate floor on Wednesday
showing the depths of corruption that Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden engaged in with the Communist Chinese.
 “This isn’t Russian disinformation,” Johnson said. “These are hard facts backed up by bank records of actual financial records and transactions that prove just how connected the Bidens were and how compromised present Biden probably is.”
I use this next series of transactions to prove my point,” he continued. “The first chart here shows a bank record showing a $1 million wire transfer into the count of Hudson West III from CFEC limited on November, 2017.
Senator Grassley and I have already established C FFC is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese regime,” he added. “It’s also important to note that the time of this transfer in November, 2017, Hunter Biden was already invested in and providing management for Hudson West III. So a company that was effectively an arm of the Chinese government for 1 million in November, 2017, to a company that Hunter Biden is managing and is invested in.....estimated the transactions going to the Biden family at around $40 million." TrendingPolitics

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

CNN Admits Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Authentic 532 Days After Initial Reporting

"CNN finally admitted on Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is authentic 532 days after the initial story broke on October 24, 2020 — notably calling it “Russian disinformation” and “made up” at the time.
There are a lot of issues that the Justice Department are looking into, including, of course, this laptop – on the right-wing – has featured a lot of stories about Hunter Biden,” CNN’s Evan Perez acknowledged. “We know the FBI has possession of it and that they believe it is his laptop.” Breitbart

Shocker! The FBI 'Doesn't Know' Where Hunter's Laptop Is

 “So where is it? The Laptop?” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) clown-slapped the assistant
director of the FBI’s Cyber Division, Bryan A. Vorndran, on Tuesday when Vorndran admitted he didn’t have “any information” on the whereabouts of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”
Vorndran told Congress he didn’t know where the laptop is, nor does he even know who SHOULD know the whereabouts of the laptop. Weird, considering he IS the assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division.
Vorndran all but pleaded the Fifth in the face of Gaetz’s unrelenting attack. He was unable to find even one answer to very simple questions. If Vorndran didn’t know, who should?
“Sir, again, we can do this back and forth for the next couple of minutes,” Vorndran stammered. “I don’t have any information on the Hunter laptop.” PJM

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The White House can’t just wash away the stink of Hunter Biden’s laptop

"The New York Times broke its silence last week, and admitted the laptop is real. The
Washington Post also woke from its slumber and has begun investigating the laptop, recently phoning sources The Post interviewed long ago.
And, as a grand jury in Delaware moves closer to potentially indicting Hunter, 52, over alleged tax evasion, money laundering and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, pressure is mounting on the president finally to explain his role in the international influence-peddling scheme run by his son and brother, Jim Biden, while he was vice president.
Evidence also exists showing that Joe Biden financially benefited from his then-drug-addicted son’s overseas business dealings — perhaps by several million dollars.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki played dumb last week and refused to answer questions from The Post’s Steven Nelson about how the president is navigating conflicts of interest during the Ukraine-Russia war when it comes to sanctioning people who have done business with his family.
Specifically, Nelson asked about Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, who has not been sanctioned, but who allegedly wired $3.5 million on Feb. 14, 2014, to a firm associated with Hunter’s former business partner, Devon Archer. That wire was flagged in a suspicious activity report provided by the Treasury Department to a Senate Republican inquiry, chaired by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.
Now, new evidence has emerged via the laptop showing that Baturina wired as much as $118 million to various offshoots of Rosemont Seneca Partners, the consulting firm co-founded by Hunter, Archer and John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz.
Most of the money is believed to have been used to buy properties in Brooklyn and Chelsea for Baturina, as well as shares in commercial office buildings across the country.
Baturina, the wife of the former corrupt mayor of Moscow, Yury Luzhkov, was living in exile in London at the time after her husband fell out with the Kremlin. Perhaps this is why she has not been sanctioned by the Biden administration, although Vladimir Putin was photographed sitting beside her and hugging her at her husband’s 2019 funeral in Moscow.
Biden, as vice president, met Baturina on April 16, 2015, at a small dinner organized by Hunter in a private room of the Georgetown restaurant CafĂ© Milano. Also on the guest list were Hunter’s Ukrainian paymaster, Vadym Pozharskyi, and Kazakhstan’s then-Prime Minister Karim Massimov, now in jail on treason, and his associate, oligarch Kenes Rakishev.
VP Biden also is believed to have attended a second “investor dinner” organized by his son at the end of March 2016, during another visit to DC by Pozharskyi, an executive of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying Hunter $83,333 a month at the time.
Pozharskyi was in DC on March 30 and 31, 2016, the calendar in Hunter’s abandoned laptop shows.
Pozharskyi’s visit coincided with the ousting on March 29, 2016, of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been investigating Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, the exiled energy minister of the former Russia-aligned government.
The month before he was removed from office, Shokin issued warrants for Zlochevsky’s arrest and seized all his “movable and immovable property,” including four houses, two plots of land and a Rolls-Royce Phantom, reported the Kyiv Post and Interfax-Ukraine.
Two weeks later, Shokin was fired by then-President Petro Poroshenko, although it took a month for parliament to ratify the decision." NYP

GOP sets stage to probe spiking of Hunter Biden laptop story; warnings to preserve evidence sent

"A Republican on Tuesday revealed that GOP lawmakers are sending letters to Twitter, Facebook, the New York Times, and dozens of former U.S. intelligence officials asking that they preserve evidence of their efforts in 2020 to suppress or discredit credible news reports about Hunter Biden's laptop and business dealings.
"What I can't live with," said Issa, "is the fact that when the New York Post, one of the oldest
print newspapers in the country, founded in 1801, comes out with credible evidence, which they can show how they got it, what their sources were — there were no hidden sources on this — they not only got shut down by ... Facebook and Twitter, but they got shut down by the New York Times, by public broadcasting, by virtually everyone
And they were shut down by having more than 50 of the most informed people in the intelligence world all saying that they knew that this was false information. That is a conspiracy of monumental size."
Issa explained that some of those involved in this "collusion" were passive participants while others coordinated the effort and knew what they were doing." JustNews

Deleted emails on Hunter’s laptop expose Biden family’s ‘criminal’ ties to Ukraine biolabs

"Jack Maxey, has found a large number of emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop that have been deleted but were retrievable. Among the emails, Maxey and his team discovered “numerous national security violations that we found today, which are horrifying”. 
In addition, the Maxey team found numerous e-mails that show the Biden family’s connection with Metabiota, the bio research company that is involved in the Ukrainian bio laboratories.
As previous research on the laptop as well as a U.S. Senate report had shown, the Biden family is heavily involved with the Ukraine oil company Burisma, with Hunter Biden receiving for years $50,000 a month for sitting on its board. Joe Biden himself, when Vice President of the United States, met with a high-level representative of that company.
Joe Biden once himself bragged in public how he was getting an Ukrainian state prosecutor fired. That prosecutor was in the middle of an investigation of Burisma Holdings.
But a more shocking email posted by Maxey reveals what Dr. Mary , the executive vice president of Science and Microbiology at Metabiotics, wrote to Hunter Biden about its larger plans for Ukraine. On April 3, 2014 – a few months after the Maidan Revolution and removal of the pro-Russian Ukrainian government – Guttieri wrote to Biden: “As promised, I’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.”
Here, the involvement of Metabiota in Ukraine becomes very clear, as well as its involvement in the political-cultural agenda of the U.S. government at the time with regard to Ukraine.
Yes, we were running labs inside Ukraine,” Maxey told Vander Steel on Tuesday. “Yes, Metabiota was in those labs.” And Zlochevsky, by being involved with Metabiota was “getting a little cut in the grift on Metabiotics when when the intel agencies are running a company. You get 5 x. And he got it.”
This is the most criminal thing I have seen in my life,” the historian and political analyst concluded.
Maxey also pointed out that he believes this background story is the reason for Biden’s election, because they knew that they had, by their involvement in the Ukrainian biolabs, violated the rules for bio- and chemical weapons.
“We have been betrayed like nobody can imagine, and I’m going to tell you this is 100 percent why Joe Biden had to go get that [Ukrainian] prosecutor fired, 100 percent why Joe Biden had to become president [of the United States] because these guys violated the findings in the 2005 weapons of mass destruction document that was provided to the president of United States that was going to provide a blueprint for how to deal with everything from chemical, nuclear and biological, and it was going to be done in a way that would have allowed for oversight by our elected leaders,” Maxey said.
About Metabiota, Maxey says he has “been describing [it] as a dark operation from U.S. intelligence and U.S. health services since last summer. We now have dozens of documents proving that, in writing, everybody at Burisma knows about it. I have correspondence with Burisma executives talking about our secret biological projects in Ukraine.” LSN

Monday, March 21, 2022

Sen. Johnson blasts NY Times, former intel experts over Hunter Biden laptop

"People should be “outraged” at the New York Times for only just confirming the
authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop,
Sen. Ron Johnson said Sunday, as he demanded apologies from the 51 former US intelligence experts who cast doubt on The Post’s reporting on the device.

I am just amazed that the New York Times just now came to the conclusion that the Hunter Biden laptop was genuine,” Johnson, of Wisconsin, told ​host John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM’s “The Cats Roundtable.

“Where have they been? That was pretty obvious within a week or two of the New York Post’s stories​.”

The senator was referring to The Post’s exclusive reports in October 2020 on the first son’s foreign business dealings and his connection to Ukrainian energy firm Burisma while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president.

T​​he FBI had to know that. They wouldn’t tell us when we were offered the laptop. I couldn’t take it because I had to do my due diligence. The FBI knew,” Johnson said in the interview that aired Sunday.

We reached out to the FBI. They wouldn’t tell us it was genuine. They should have. But they didn’t. People should be outraged,” he said.

The laptop, left at a Delaware computer repair shop by Hunter Biden, contained a trove of emails detailing his business relationships in Ukraine and China, which implicated his father.

Hunter Biden is facing a sprawling federal probe into his tax filings and business dealings, the New York Times reported last week.

Johnson called on the Gray Lady to apologize, as well as the 51 intelligence experts who cast doubt on the laptop as Russian disinformation in a letter released just days after The Post’s bombshell exclusives." NYP