Friday, June 30, 2023

Biden Picks Up After Journalist Calls Secret Burner Phone Revealed In Hunter Scandal

"On Sunday, investigative journalist Peter Schweizer revealed that
Hunter Biden
had been paying for a secret global phone from AT&T to the tune of $300 per month....Now get this - journalist John Solomon called the phone, and President Joe Biden picked up!
 "One of those documents got leaked to me and it had a cell phone number that Hunter Biden was paying for, so I figured this was my chance. I’ve been trying to get fair comment from Hunter Biden, so I’m gonna call the cell phone!" Solomon told Real America's Voice. "So I called the cell phone, and guess who picked up the phone? Joe Biden!"
"Joe Biden! Boy was he shocked when he got – when he picked up the phone and found out it was me," Solomon continued, adding "He hung up pretty quickly!"

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